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March for Jobs. Supporting Grangmouth Distillery
السبت، 03 أغسطس
Anybody interested in going please feel free to join us members and even members of the public. We need to support each other community's supporting community's and workers supporting workers. Please come along ✊️
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الوقت والموقع
03 أغسطس 2024، 11:00 ص – 3:00 م
Grangemouth, Kersiebank Ave, Grangemouth FK3 0BS, UK
نبذة عن الحدث
It was announced in November that Petroineos, the owner of the refinery, intended to cease operations at Grangemouth by 2025, putting 400 jobs at risk. We marching to support the workers and the Grangemouth Community who would be devastatingly affected by this decision.
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