LTB 166/24 - Royal Mail Group (SHE) Safety Flash FY24 07 – ‘Safe Loading/Unloading of York Containers on Tail Lifts’
No: 166/24
21 May 2024
Our Ref: C25 /24
To: All Branches
Dear Colleagues,
Royal Mail Group (SHE) Safety Flash FY24 07 – ‘Safe Loading/Unloading of York Containers on Tail Lifts’
Royal Mail Group’s Safety Team have issued ‘RMG SHE Safety Flash FY24 007’ with the aim of communicating a clear message to all drivers regarding the important need to firstly, always follow the Safe System of Work when loading and unloading York Containers on Tail Lifts and secondly, the equally important need to always follow the safe System of Work for York Containers and not to use faulty York Containers, as was the case in a recent incident whereby a York with no brake was loaded and dispatched on a vehicle instead of being removed from service and quarantined until repaired.
A driver was unloading York Containers on a tail lift and he applied the Container brakes before lowering the tail lift. However, one of the York Containers rolled off of the tail lift, crashing to the ground. The driver failed to utilise the tail lift safety wheel stops (kick flaps), which would have prevented the York Container from rolling away and falling off the tail lift platform. On further inspection, following the incident, the York Container brake was found to be faulty and not working. Somebody had written ‘no brake’ on the back of the York Container and allowed it to remain in use, meaning that there was a failure to take this damaged and dangerous equipment out of service for repair.
Minor damage to both the York Container and contents. Fortunately, the driver and other staff members were not struck and injured by the falling York Container which could have resulted in an unsuspecting employee sustaining serious injury and causing greater damage to other plant, equipment and machinery.
Key Messages, Learning Points and Procedures to follow in order avoid similar incidents:
Always follow the Loading & Unloading Vehicles SSOW.
Always deploy the tail-lift safety stops (kick flaps) where available.
Always follow the York & Mini York Containers SSoW.
Always check equipment prior to use and remove from service any York Containers and other equipment that is damaged or faulty.
Managers Actions:
PiCs/Managers – Communicate, display and brief appropriate staff on this SHE Flash, bringing it to their attention.
Display the SHE Flash on the SHE Noticeboard.
Brief staff on the SSoW for Loading & Unloading Vehicles – Operation and Use of a Tail Lift.
Brief staff on the SSoW for Operation of York and Mini-York Containers.
Ensure staff are appropriately trained and informed.
Ensure any damaged or faulty York Containers and other equipment is taken out of service and sent for repair.
ASRs/WSRs please ensure that this Safety Flash is communicated, displayed and brought to the attention of the workforce in all Units.
ASRs/WSRs to carry out spot check safety inspections including a check that the SHE Flash has been deployed and briefed to staff by PiCs/Managers.
ASRs to check awareness of the workforce regarding loading/unloading of vehicles and York Containers operational use.
On ASR Safety Inspections, ensure staff are briefed, raising awareness at every opportunity with members/workers/drivers and operators.
Royal Mail Group (SHE) Safety Flash FY24 007 – ‘Safe Loading/Unloading of York Containers on Tail Lifts’
THE GOLDEN RULE IS: Always follow the ‘Mandatory’ Safe Systems of Work.
Yours sincerely
Dave Joyce
National Health, Safety & Environment Officer
