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LTB 328/24 - Agenda Pad - CWU Retired Members Conference - 30th October 2024

 No. 328/24


Dear Colleagues,

Agenda Pad – CWU Retired Members Conference – 30th October 2024

Branches would wish to know that the agenda for the CWU Retired Members Conference which is being held at the CWU Birmingham Branch Offices on Wednesday 30th October has now been published on the website and can be accessed by opening the attachment or pasting the link into your browser:

Branches are also reminded that Branch Secretaries should register delegates and observers by emailing by no later than 25th October 2024.   Confirmation of requests will be sent to branches within 72 hours.   Should confirmation not be received within this time branches are asked to contact Angela Niven on 020 8971 7237.

Attached is also a nomination form relating to the ballot that takes place at the conference to determine the two delegates to represent the Retired Members to attend General Conference 2025.

All individuals must be willing to accept nomination, and must have the nomination of their own branch and/or the Retired Members’ Committee, to be eligible.   The exception to this are members of the Retired Members’ Committee themselves who may be proposed for these positions but need to have the nomination of the Retired Members’ Committee and/or any Regional Committee.

Any enquiries regarding this LTB should be addressed to Angela Niven by telephoning 020 8971 7256 or by post to head office or by email to

Yours sincerely,

A P Kearns

Senior Deputy General Secretary

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