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Mail Centre Processing – Alphanumeric Barcoding

Mail Centre Processing – Alphanumeric Barcoding

Branches and representatives are informed that the department have been receiving enquiries over recent days in relation to documentation that is the field regarding changes to sorting methods for Tracked items, which utilises Alphanumeric coding on barcodes.

We can advise that a meeting has taken place with the business in relation to the issue and the department have been informed that the business are introducing a simplified Alphanumeric sorting method into Mail Centres for both the Inward and Outward Tracked areas, from the 10th August 2020.

The change in method involves the use of Alphanumeric coding on barcodes for Tracked items. This method has been used successfully in the RDC’s for some time and is now being introduced into Mail Centres to provide uniformity.

The business have advised that it is now possible to introduce the method into Mail Centres, as a threshold level of c80% has now been achieved in relation to the inclusion of Alphanumeric coding on barcodes for Tracked items.

The business have confirmed that the move to Alphanumeric coding is a change in designation rather than an actual change to sort selections. Therefore, the number of sort selections remains the same and the use of the Alphanumeric process provides one cohesive plan for Tracked items.

It is not anticipated that the change in method will have any impact on headcount or presentation to Delivery Offices.

Attached for information is documentation that the business has shared with the department in relation to the change.

Any enquiries in relation to this LTB should be addressed to

Davie Robertson, Assistant Secretary, email: quoting reference: 709.02

Yours sincerely

Davie Robertson

Assistant Secretary



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