Postal Policy Forum – Wednesday 30th & Thursday 31st March 2022 - The Pathway to Change
No. 104/2022 7th March 2022 Dear Colleagues,
Postal Policy Forum – Wednesday 30th & Thursday 31st March 2022 – The Pathway to Change Ongoing Policy Document 2022 and Beyond
Further to LTB 103/22 and the associated letter dated the 4th March 2022 from Mick Kavanagh, Postal Executive Vice Chair circulated to Branches on Friday.
Following further consideration and consultation with the Postal Executive Vice Chair, the closing date for the submission of amendments to the Policy Document has been extended to 5pm on Thursday 17th March 2022.
We trust that Branches and Business Co-coordinating Committees will welcome the additional time to consider the policy document but you are asked to note that this extension may result in a delay to the circulation of the final agenda and order of business as previously advised. The DGS(P) Department and Postal Executive Vice Chair will however endeavour to keep any delay to the publication to a minimum. The Policy and Handling document will be published in advance of the Policy Forum.
In order to assist with the administration of the order of business and agenda, it would be appreciated if Branches could submit their amendments in advance of the closing date where possible.
Any enquiries regarding the content of this LTB should be directed to the DGS(P) Department or Mick Kavanagh, Postal Executive Vice Chair as appropriate.
Yours sincerely Terry Pullinger Mick Kavanagh Deputy General Secretary (Postal) Postal Executive Vice Chair