Remembering our Colleagues: David Watson

We the Scotland No2 Branch would like to give a special mention to the amazing show of support our fellow postal workers gave at the funeral procession of their friend and colleague David Watson in Falkirk.
David was a well thought of colleague to all at Falkirk delivery office where he served as Backshift PHG and at the callers office and known to always ask how everyone was. He also served as a union rep for a period of time of which he was well respected and was known as a Proud union supporter.

His passing was a great shock to many but it was testament to how much David meant to many that his friends and colleagues, the network drivers who came to the D.O and even ex colleagues came to line the streets and pay there respects at his funeral in Falkirk. So on behalf of the Scotland No2 Branch we would like you to join us in remembering David and sending our condolences and thoughts to his wife Wendy and two children Josephine and Jaime and to his grandchildren. Rest in peace x
Thank you to Dianne Mcarthur and Paul Wright for your contribution to making this post.