RMG - Unilateral Decision to Cease Paper Pay Slips
No: 128/23
24th May 2023
Dear Colleague
RMG – Unilateral Decision to Cease Paper Pay Slips
Following correspondence from a number of Branches and Divisions, it became clear RMG had taken a decision to cease the use of paper pay-slips. This was implemented on 26th April without any consultation and will undoubtedly have an impact on those members who do not have access to online facilities.
Given that the national Business Recovery, Transformation and Growth Agreement mentions joint working on numerous occasions, it is obviously important the that company is held to account where a contrary approach has been adopted.
As a result, on 27th April 2023 I wrote the letter attached at Appendix 1 to the Chief People Officer, raising our concern regarding the manner in which this change had been implemented and in particular to highlight concerns about the timing. A response was received that is attached at Appendix 2.
The contents of this are disappointing but not unexpected, given that 85% of the RMG workforce are already using the online ‘People App’.
Branches will recall that when the ability to access pay slips through the ‘People App’ was first introduced, the business stated that this would not be a mandatory requirement however this business decision now means the remaining 15% will be impacted by this diktat.
However, there will still be the ability to request a paper copy although this has been described as an absolute exception. That said, the Union do not accept that this only applies to those with medical issues as there will also be members who have no access to the relevant digital information.
Further correspondence has been sent to the company making the above points as well as to ascertain what sort of alternative means will be made available.
Finally, it is important that those who have medical conditions or do not have either online or digital access, raise their cases locally with the appropriate manager and are given support by their Union Reps.
Yours sincerely
Andy FureyA/Deputy General Secretary (Postal)