Royal Mail Vehicle Tyre and Maintenance Policy - Update
No: 198/21
13 May 2021
For the Immediate Attention of All:
Postal Branches
Divisional Representatives
Area Distribution Representatives
Dear Colleagues
Royal Mail Vehicle Tyre and Maintenance Policy – Update
Please find attached for the information of Branches and Representatives the latest version of the Royal Mail Vehicle Tyre and Maintenance Policy which is available on the Royal Mail Share Point for those with access.
All aspects of the policy remain as previously with the exception of the following changes;
1 – Tyres over 10 years old are covered under new legislation as of February 2021 (LTB 022/21 refers)
1 – Where the vehicle’s tyre depth has gone below the RM minimum tread depth, but remains legal to drive, an appointment with the nearest RM Fleet Workshop or external contractor used for tyre services, where appropriate, should be made to have the tyres replaced prior to their reaching the minimum legal tread depth.
2.5 – Alpine Tyres (commonly referred to as Winter Tyres) are available by special request where absolutely necessary.
Any enquiries in relation to this LTB should be addressed to the relevant department:
Network & Distribution: Davie Robertson, Assistant Secretary, email: quoting reference: 014.01
Deliveries & Collections: Mark Baulch, email quoting reference: 300
Fleet: Carl Maden, email quoting reference: 220
Yours sincerely,
Davie Robertson
Assistant Secretary
Mark Baulch
Assistant Secertary
Carl Maden
Assistant Secretary (Acting)