“Time to Test” – CWU’s Dave Joyce Blogs on The Covid-19 LFD Home Testing Scheme in Royal Mail Group
No. 197/2021
Our Ref: E1/2
To: All Branches
Dear Colleagues,
“Time to Test” – CWU’s Dave Joyce Blogs on The Covid-19 LFD Home Testing Scheme in Royal Mail Group: (myroyalmail 12 May 2021)
Further to LTBs 183/21 and 190/21, from this week, all members employed in Royal Mail Group will be able to participate in and benefit from the workforce testing scheme that’s been agreed between the Government (DHSC), Royal Mail Group and the Unions. This provides for members being able to collect Covid-19 lateral flow test devices from their workplace, in order to perform self-tests in the privacy of their own homes twice weekly.
The simple to use, ‘Rapid Test’, gives a result in just 30 minutes. From there anyone getting a positive result, can then take immediate action to self-isolate, not go into work, not come into contact with work colleagues and therefore break the chain of transmission and ‘stop the virus spread’.
The scheme runs from 10 May through to the end of June, when we hope the country’s Covid-19 lockdown restrictions will end.
We want every single one of our members to take up this opportunity. It is a benefit that we have fought hard and long to get and we’ve made it as easy as possible for members to obtain test kits and utilise the testing and thereby safeguard their own safety and wellbeing as well as the people they work with, family, friends and contacts.
This will make a positive contribution to reducing transmission of the virus if we can maximise participation.
I am urging every one of our members to take part in the twice a week testing at home to help keep this virus under control.
A big thank you to all our CWU Reps and members.
See attached downloaded copy of the article which is also available at the following link:
Yours sincerely
Dave Joyce National Health, Safety & Environment Officer