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Virtual Special General Conference 2021 - Anti-Racism Framework

LTB 463/21 1st November 2021 TO: ALL BRANCHES

Dear Colleague, Virtual Special General Conference 2021 – Anti-Racism Framework Following the CWU anti-racism statement published in LTB 213/21 and ahead of the CWU Virtual Special General Conference, please find attached a CWU anti-racism framework booklet for branches attention. The purpose of the framework is to reaffirm our objectives and goals and to provide a fresh and structured approach on how we aim to build on our existing anti-racism work as set out in the NEC Motion. The framework focuses on 4 key areas for development: 1. Leadership and Representation 2. Working within our structures and empowering communities 3. Building awareness and changing attitudes through education 4. International Solidarity We hope branches and members find this information useful and look forward to the session at the Virtual Special General Conference. Any queries on this LTB should be directed to equality&

Yours sincerely,

Kate Hudson Head of Equality, Education & Development

Dave Ward General Secretary

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