Addendum To The National Agreement Between Royal Mail Logistics And The CWU
Addendum To The National Agreement Between Royal Mail Logistics And The CWU On The Deployment And Use Of Telemetry Equipment In The Royal Mail Network LGV Fleet
Branches and representatives will recall in June 2014 an agreement was endorsed by Postal Executive in regard to the use of Telemetry in the Network function (398/14 refers), with GPS based tracking systems enabling the accurate and timely reporting of vehicle movements and aiding in the improvement of driving styles.
Currently Royal Mail Logistics use Isotrak as a telematics service for their LGV Fleet. Isotrak has supplied Royal Mail with telematics services since 2003 with the last review into the Canbus key measures being in 2014. Since 2014, Royal Mail’s fleet size and type has changed significantly, alongside this the telemetry capabilities have also evolved.
Through engagement surveys and informal discussions, the feedback that was been received indicated the telematics service is no longer aligned to the needs of the driver. Royal Mail and the CWU therefore jointly reviewed the current measures within the telematics and looked at information available through other Logistic providers, taking into account, Isotrak current trends and Canbus Key measures, that align more towards the current fleet and support safe and efficient driving.
An Addendum has now been agreed and endorsed by the Postal Executive, a copy of which is attached for your information (Annex A). Colleagues will note that the changes agreed will still support the following key measures:
Accurate recording of end to end performance, supporting improved decision making
Real time visibility on the Network enabling pre-notification of arrivals and collections
Real time visibility on breakdowns supporting improved security and safety for drivers
Improved in cab communications and driver interface
Improved vehicle /driver utilisation
Improvements in driving styles and driver behaviours
The following changes to the measures will be applied on the Isotrak Telemetry system:

Advanced Driver Coaches will support the training of drivers, the attached slides (Annex B) will enable them to utilise tailored individual training sessions, in line with the terms of the Training Needs Analysis section of the Advanced Driver Coach Agreement.
The Addendum also includes all of the normal safeguards with regard to the use of data associated with the use of telemetry:
The specific purpose for using the information provided by the measures update and capability will be to enhance vehicle tracking and quality of service, improve driver training, fuel consumption and vehicle longevity.
Both parties agree that all individuals have a right to privacy at work and it is accepted that there is a mutual obligation of confidence and trust applied to every contract of employment and that all parties should act in a way so as not to break that relationship. As such driver performance data produced will remain confidential to the individual and will not be displayed on notice boards or in league tables.
It is agreed that this change in measures is designed to standardise the process across the fleet and is not being introduced as, or will be used as, a disciplinary tool or for day to day performance management processes. Equally, it will not be used to enhance the ability of managers, on the evidence available, to take disciplinary action.
Outputs for Canbus will not form part of the daily de-brief sessions with drivers or for day to day performance management.
It is agreed the deployment will be reviewed on an ongoing basis with a PIR scheduled to take place 6 months after deployment. The activity will be monitored by the Network Working Group and will be supported by agreed comms (Annexes C & D) and the Advanced Driver Coaches.
Any enquiries in relation to this LTB should be addressed to
Davie Robertson, Assistant Secretary, email: quoting reference: 233.03
Yours sincerely
Davie Robertson
Assistant Secretary