Coronavirus Update Covid-19 Face Covering Rules Will Be Ended in Scotland on Easter Monday 18 April
LTB 168/22 - Coronavirus Update – Covid-19 Face Covering Rules Will Be Ended
in Scotland on Easter Monday 18 April 2022
No. 168/2022
11 April 2022
Our Ref: E1 /22
To: All Branches
Dear Colleagues,
Coronavirus Update – Covid-19 Face Covering Rules Will Be Ended in Scotland on Easter Monday 18 April 2022:
Further to earlier LTBs, this is a summary update following the most recent announcement by the Scottish First Minister.
A communication has today been issued to all Royal Mail Group managers by Zareena Brown RMG Chief People Officer.
Following the 30 March announcement by Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, the following changes will take place in Scotland. On Monday 4 April the legal requirements to wear a face covering in places of worship, at marriages and funerals was removed.
From Monday 18 April, the final legal requirements to wear a face covering in other indoor settings, including shops and public transport will be removed along with general lateral flow device testing requirements and the closure of Test & Trace Scotland will be on 30 April.
In line with that announcement the ‘mandatory face coverings/masks’ Royal Mail Group Scotland will change in all Scottish Workplace Units from ‘mandatory’ to strongly recommended as from Monday 18 April 2022.
In Summary:
In England the ‘mandatory masks’ rule was removed on 27 January 2022.
In Northern Ireland the ‘mandatory’ face coverings/masks requirement was ended on 16 February 2022.
In Wales the ‘mandatory’ face coverings/masks requirement was ended on 28 March 2022.
In Scotland the ‘mandatory’ face coverings/masks requirement will end on 18 April 2022.
Royal Mail will continue to supply face masks, gloves, wipes and sanitiser gel to those employees wishing to continue wearing/using these items. Both the disposable masks and three-ply antimicrobial layer, cotton, washable types are available.
Copy of the RMG Communication released today to all employees.
Yours sincerely
Dave Joyce National Health, Safety & Environment Officer
