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CWU Against Racism

No: 314/20


Dear Colleagues,

CWU Against Racism

The CWU has continued its work on the development of a long-term strategy and high- profile campaign against all forms of racism. The union has a strong reputation for its anti- racist campaigning over many years – but now is the time to do more.

In line with this, we are launching ‘CWU Against Racism’ – an overarching branding which we will use to promote our anti-racism campaigning, educational work and membership engagement.

In the coming weeks and months, we will set out our plans in greater detail and engage the whole union in delivering the strongest strategy possible. We are also in a position to announce a series of events and resources in the short term which will increase the profile of the CWU in our anti-racism work.

Building on our existing relationship and work, this week, 100 ex-professional footballers have agreed to wear and share images on their social media of a joint CWU / Show Racism the Red Card football shirt – please share these posts when you see them.

• Attached to this LTB is the CWU Against Racism logo, as well as T-Shirt and sticker designs – both can be purchased directly from Pellacraft.

• On Friday 19th June at 6pm we will host a Facebook live session with our members on the issue of racism. We have put together a panel of internal and external speakers. This will be given further publication via our communications channels.

• As previously advertised, we have a CWU Windrush event live on the CWU social media channels on Monday 22nd June.

• We have agreed to host a Facebook Live panel of BAME ex-professional footballers, jointly with Show Racism the Red Card. The date of this event is TBC.

Facing down and calling out racism is a key part of delivering the type of society we all want. The CWU will, as always, play our full part in that.

Any queries on this LTB should be directed to equality&

Yours sincerely,

Kate Hudson

Head of Equality, Education & Development

Dave Ward

General Secretary





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