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CWU App – Update

No. 206/21

18th May 2021


Dear Colleagues,

CWU App – Update

Further to LTB 172/21 we wanted to give a brief update on the launch plan for the CWU App. Following our extensive testing phase, we identified the need to simplify the process for members to download and use the App.

Although all functions were working during the test, it became clear that the technical knowledge of individual users varied significantly. This led to us taking the decision to revisit the initial experience of the App for members and ensure all reps and members could get onto and use the App with as much ease as possible.

This adjustment is a relatively simple one and we have been advised by the developers that the App will return to the App store and Google Play in June where it will be available for the whole membership to download.

When we reach this point we will hold a national launch event for branches. We will of course share further updates closer to the official launch.

Kind regards

Chris Webb Head of Communications, Engagement and Media

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