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Election of CWU National Executive Council, Industrial Executives & CWU Assistant Secretaries - 2021


Please note this LTB contains IMPORTANT information

for immediate distribution and display throughout your branch

Dear Colleagues,


· CWU National Executive Council

· CWU Industrial Executives

· CWU Assistant Secretary TFS 1

· CWU Assistant Secretary TFS 2

· CWU Assistant Secretary TFS 3

· CWU Assistant Secretary Postal (Technical Services/HR Procedures)

Further to LTB 034/21 dated 1st February 2021, which contained formal notification of the timetable for the above elections.

The NEC has now approved the regulations for the above elections which are attached to this LTB for your information. In addition to the regulations, due to the revised size composition of the NEC, a supplementary document containing the election arrangements and guidance has also been produced to assist branches and candidates in the forthcoming elections.

Branches should be aware that the regulations for the above elections contain a number of changes including revised arrangements for the dispatch and return of nomination forms.

Branches are therefore advised to review the regulations in order to make themselves familiar with these changes.

Please note that in respect of the CWU Assistant Secretaries; Legal Services and Health Safety and Environment, the NEC has taken the decision that it is necessary to continue to defer the elections for these positions pending the outcome of the Redesign Project review of CWU HQ structures.

For ease of reference the details of the National Representative positions to be elected in 2021 are set out below.



The NEC shall comprise 34 members:

  1. President and Vice President, but their inclusion shall not increase the numbers from their originating Constituencies.

  2. 11 lay members elected biennially by and from the Postal Constituency and 1 of whom shall be the Vice Chair. All of whom shall automatically be members of the Postal Industrial Executive. At least 2 lay members must be women. At least 1 lay member must be BAME.

  3. 2 lay members elected biennially by and from the Postal Constituency. At least 1 lay member must be a woman. Lay members holding these 2 positions will not be eligible to hold a position on the Postal Industrial Executive.

  4. 8 lay members elected biennially by and from the Telecom and Financial Services Constituency and 1 of whom shall be the Vice Chair. All of whom shall automatically be members of the Telecoms and Financial Services Industrial Executive. At least 2 lay members must be women. At least 1 lay member must be BAME

  5. 2 lay members elected biennially by and from the Telecom and Financial Services Constituency. At least 1 lay member must be a woman. Lay members holding these 2 positions will not be eligible to hold a position on the Telecoms and Financial Services Industrial Executive.

  6. 2 lay Young Workers members elected biennially who must be 29 or under at the time of the election. 1 of whom will be elected by and from the Postal Constituency and 1 of whom shall be elected by and from the Telecoms and Financial Services Constituency.

  7. 1 lay Retired Member elected biennially by all members of the retired sector. The Retired Members NEC representative shall not be entitled to vote on issues that are Financial, Rule, Constitutional or issues that could be considered to have an industrial context except where they apply only to Retired Members.

  8. 8 lay Equality members elected biennially, 1 lay member from each of the Postal and TFS constituencies for each of the following equality strands.





Please note that the NEC members listed in categories c), e), f), g) and h) are members of the NEC only and are not automatically members of their respective Industrial Executives.


Postal Executive (PE)

The Postal Executive (PE) will consist of 17 lay members elected biennially.

The composition of the PE is as follows:

  1. 11 NEC members elected by and taken from all Members in the Postal Constituency whom in accordance with the rules of the CWU shall automatically be members of the respective Industrial Executive.

  2. Subject to implementing the outcome of (a) above up to 2 members elected by and taken from members who are from Postal Technical Services Grades.

  3. Subject to implementing the outcome of (a) and (b) above the remaining places on the PE will be elected by and taken from members who are from Postal Grades.

Further information regarding the voting entitlement for the PE elections will be published to branches prior to the dispatch of ballot papers.


The Telecoms & Financial Services Executive (T&FSE) will consist of 16 lay members elected biennially.

The composition of the T&FS Executive is as follows:

  1. 8 NEC members elected by and from all members in the Telecoms and Financial Services Constituency whom in accordance with the rules of the CWU shall automatically be members of the respective Industrial Executive.

  2. 1 member elected by and from all members the Telecom & Financial Services Constituency and who must be aged 29 or under at the time of the election.

  3. 1 member elected by and taken from members in the Santander Group and related companies (Santander UK, Santander UK Operations Ltd, Santander UK Technology Ltd, Santander Global and Paragon Customer Communications).

  4. 1 member elected by and taken from members in Telefonica O2 UK and Connect 44.

  5. 1 member elected by and from all members working for Capita in the T&FS Sector and 14Forty (Capita contract).

  6. 4 members elected by and taken from all other members in the Telecom & Financial Services Constituency.

Further information regarding the voting entitlement for the T&FSE elections will be published to branches prior to the dispatch of ballot papers.


The above TFS Assistant Secretary is currently responsible for dealing with the following companies:

Openreach, Openreach Northern Ireland, Digital Realty, Fujitsu, Manx Telecom.


The above TFS Assistant Secretary is currently responsible for dealing with the following companies:

Consumer (including EE), BT Group Finance & Billing, Yell.


The above TFS Assistant Secretary is currently responsible for dealing with the following companies:

BT Supply Chains, BT Property & Facilities, Capita (O2 Contract), Capita (Tesco Mobile Contract), CBRE (BT Contract), ISS (BT Contract), Swiss Post Solutions (CBRE/BT Contract), 14forty (Capita Contract), Elior (BT Contract).


The above Postal Assistant Secretary is currently responsible for dealing with the following companies:

Technical Service Grades, HR Procedures, Royal Mail Property and Facilities Solutions Engineers, CBRE, Royal Mail Fleet, Processing Engineers.

The responsibilities of all CWU Assistant Secretaries shall be to carry out and discharge under the direction of the GS such Union duties as they may be deemed required to perform.

The timetable for all of the above elections, as previously notified in LTB 034/21 is as follows:

Election Timetable:

Nominations Open: 20 May 2021

Nominations Close: 10 June 2021 (14:00)

Accept Nomination: 14 June 2021 (14:00)

(TFSE NEC/IE positions only)

Despatch ballot material: 6 July 2021

Close of ballot: 3 August 2021 (first post)

Result: 5 August 2021

*Please note that ballot papers will be sent to all eligible members who are included in the membership register maintained by the union as at 6 June 2021. Therefore any changes of address, etc. will need to have been received at CWU HQ prior to this date.

Branches will also wish to note that the independent scrutineer appointed by the union to oversee the election arrangements is Civica Election Services.

The Election Regulations stipulate that a copy of the regulations for these elections must be distributed to all branches in advance of the nomination process. A copy of the Election Regulations is therefore attached and I would be grateful if you could ensure that these are brought to the attention of the members of your branch.

The regulations will also be published on the CWU website and a copy will be issued to all candidates nominated to stand in the Election(s).

Further information regarding the nomination arrangements will be sent to branches in due course. However Branches are reminded that in order for nominations for the above positions to be valid then they will need to be submitted on the appropriate CWU HQ issued nomination forms.

Elections Prize Draws

Branches are reminded that in order to protect the integrity of these very important national elections and more importantly, ensure that the union is legally compliant with the relevant legislation covering such elections, that election prize draws should not be conducted under any circumstances unless written authorisation has been given by the Senior Deputy General Secretary.

Any enquiries regarding this LTB should be addressed to Senior Deputy General Secretary Department, CWU HQ, for the attention of Peter Metcalfe on 0208 971 7368, or email:

Yours sincerely,

Tony Kearns Senior Deputy General Secretary

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