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Fiat Doblo Vans – Bonnet Detachment Incident – Bonnet Safety Catch Security Check - Urgent

No. 193/2022

26 April 2022

Our Ref: V4/22

To: All Branches

Dear Colleagues,

Royal Mail Fiat Doblo Vans – Bonnet Detachment Incident – Bonnet Safety Catch Security Check – Urgent Royal Mail Fleet Technical Service Bulletin (TSB):

Recently an incident occurred in which an OPG postman driver was involved in a serious incident when the bonnet of a Fiat Doblo van detached at 50 MPH, crashing into and damaging the windscreen, showering the driver with glass. Fortunately, the driver safely brought the vehicle to a halt, avoiding loss of control or a collision.

Prompt action has been taken by Royal Mail Fleet via a thorough investigation and the issue of the attached TSB in order to ensure that all circa 6000 plus RM fleet Fiat Doblos are safety checked, to ensure the bonnet on each van is secure and that no further recurrences can occur. Progress is being monitored daily.

Following the initial checks on the Fiat Doblo fleet, RM Fleet have found that some bonnets will not close correctly due to the nuts securing the bonnet catch becoming loose, not allowing the bonnet to close correctly which in turn can lead to a bonnet detachment. The whole fleet is now subject to safety checks. The fix is a simple one and fleet workshops are checking the 3 bonnet stay catch mounting nuts are in place and affixing them where necessary.

ASR/WSRs may wish to check the situation with Fiat Doblo vans in their units and report any faulty/loose bonnets to fleet workshops for attention.

See attached copy of the TSB and photos of the Fiat Doblo van involved in the incident.

Yours sincerely

Dave Joyce National Health, Safety & Environment Officer

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