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LTB 006/25 - Uplift in Part Time Contracts on Legacy Terms and Conditions

No 006/25

Dear Colleagues,

Uplift in Part Time Contracts on Legacy Terms and Conditions

You will be aware that last year Royal Mail introduced a policy that meant part timers could only increase their contracted hours if they moved to the new entrants’ terms and conditions.  

The CWU were determined to change this unacceptable and unfair policy.

We reached an agreement in December under the USO Pilots which stated, ” Any employee employed on “legacy terms and conditions ” (i.e. those employed before 1st December 2022) currently completing a role through a temporary variation and or offered from January 2025 an increase in contracted hours will have the opportunity to accept that role on a permanent basis on their legacy terms and conditions.”   This means any part timer who is offered an increase in their contracted hours in the future can do so on their current terms and conditions.  In light of this, Reps and Branches should reengage in business-as-usual resourcing reviews on whether a part timer should be eligible for an uplift and ensure seniority is the deciding factor.

During the talks, Royal Mail informed the CWU that there were 10,573 part timers on a variation of contract, some dating back as far as 2017. We agreed that all of these individuals should have the opportunity to get a permanent contract.

This is important as the USO will lead to a potential surplus in delivery units and those on a variation of contract may either lose this ability or not be considered within a resign, or if they wanted voluntary redundancy they would only be considered on their original contract.

All those part timers who got a variation of contract should have received this on the basis of seniority and this should have been overseen at local/area level.  

In fact, we are receiving reports that some Reps and individuals believe they were on a permanent contract already. The clear lesson is in the future we must ensure that individuals get an actual contract that reflects the new contracted hours.

There will also be the opportunity for further uplifts in part time to full time under the USO pilots and reform, as the modelling is showing that there is an increase in part time to full time of between 15% to 20% when introducing the USO change.

The headlines are a great news story for those 10,573 part timers on a variation of contract who will now get the opportunity to accept a permanent position on their current terms.

The headlines nationally are:

  • 8,529 part timers who are on a variation of contract will get the opportunity to confirm a permanent full time job on 37 hours.

  • 1,701 part timers on a variation of contract will get the opportunity to accept an increased hourly contract on a permanent basis.

  • 343 part timers on a 35 hour contract who were working 37 hours or above will now get the opportunity to have a 37 hour contract on a permanent basis.

There is a further piece of work being undertaken to identify those individuals who were capped at 35 hours full time after the Four Pillars agreement in 2018.

 The aim will be to give those individuals an opportunity to move to 37 hours on a permanent basis. This does not mean we have given up on the union’s long-standing policy to achieve the 35-hour gross working week. Instead, it is a recognition that we have other priorities for now, such as improving basic pay, equalising new entrants’ terms and conditions, improving overtime and SA rates, improving sick pay arrangements and voluntary redundancy terms, as well as improving attendance patterns with less days at work along with fewer Saturdays.

It is also important for Branches and Reps at all levels to make sure we maximise the opportunity to recruit any non-members whilst carrying out the work of ensuring part timers are given an improved permanent contract. These permanent uplifts would never have happened without the union at all levels applying pressure to get Royal Mail to change their unfair policy.

Finally, please see attached important information to assist you in the task of achieving the permanent uplifts in part time contracts.

  1. Communication on the part time uplifts.

  2. Headlines of the biggest units with the most part time to full time uplifts per ROD Area.

  3. Details of every workplace listing in three categories part time to full time, increase in part time contracted hours and the numbers per unit who will get the opportunity to move from 35 to 37 hours.

Any enquiries in relation to the content of this LTB should be addressed to the DGS(P) Department

Yours sincerely,

Martin Walsh

Deputy General Secretary (Postal)

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