LTB 009/25 - Postal Industrial Training
No: 009/25
Dear Colleague
Postal Industrial Training
The purpose of this LTB is to update Postal branches on the new process for delivery of the Postal Agreements and Procedures training.
Following requests from Branches and Divisions and as set out in LTB 351/24 a new model has now been launched which provides flexibility through the PSP system to deliver a 5-day course or a one-day course over 5 weeks.
Day 1: Other Royal Mail Agreements, Procedures & Policies Part 1.
Day 2: Royal Mail Industrial Relations Framework.
Day 3: Royal Mail Conduct Code Agreement.
Day 4: NEW Royal Mail Sick Pay and NEW (unagreed) Royal Mail Attendance Procedure.
Day 5: Other Royal Mail Agreements, Procedures & Policies Part 2.
Branch Process
When Branches wish to organise a Postal workshop, they should in the first instance approach their Divisional Training Lead & email course admin to secure a date/share the request.
Once a date/venue is secured with no less than 4/5 weeks BEFORE the workshop Branch Secretary’s/Admin should email the Course Admin via with the following:
Anticipated numbers
The date(s)
The venue (printing sent to. If different)
Which Workshop to be delivered
The Course Admin will create an appropriate entry on the CWU Portal.
The Branch Secretary’s/Admins will add on the CWU Portal including up to date email addresses.
The Course Admin will issue necessary release documents as requested.
The Branch Secretary’s/Admin should ensure that release is secured at the earliest opportunity to give adequate time to resolve any release issues.
The Branch Secretary’s/Admin should ensure that all classroom facilities are arranged and have suitable access and equipment available to deliver the workshops.
The Course admin will update the Reps Training records on the CWU Portal once the workshop is completed.
Branches should note only students that have not previously been enrolled onto the Postal Agreements and Procedures course will be eligible for all 5 modules.
The one day workshops that haven’t changed are:
Royal Mail Conduct Code Agreement: This workshop covers understanding your Conduct Agreement, preparing for a Conduct Interview and Conduct Case Study – Building a Case.
Royal Mail Industrial Relations Framework: This workshop covers the Role of a Local / Unit Representative, Facilities, Achieving Local Agreement the Stages and Achieving Local Agreements Paperwork.
The one day workshops that have the new modules are:
Other Royal Mail Agreements, Procedures & Policies Part 1: This workshop covers the NEW Royal Mail Raising Concerns procedure, Disability Right & the Equality Act and Voluntary Mediation.
Other Royal Mail Agreements, Procedures & Policies Part 2: This workshop covers understanding Ill Health Retirement. Staff Resourcing. Maternity & Paternity in Royal Mail and the NEW Royal Mail Passport.
NEW Royal Mail Sick Pay and NEW (unagreed) Royal Mail Attendance Procedure: This workshop covers the new Sick Pay Approach, CWU Representatives Involvement with Welcome Back Meetings and Appeals. Counting Absences and the Exceptions. What are the Current Trigger Points? Representation on how to Build a Case.
It is anticipated that there will be a high demand for this training in the first instance therefore, I would ask that branches be patient whilst we extend our pool of CWU Postal Trainers.
Any enquiries regarding this LTB should be addressed to the Equality, Education & Development Department by email to
Yours sincerely,
Kate Hudson
Head of Equality, Education & Development