LTB 092/24 - Royal Mail Group (SHE) Safety Flash FY24 05 – ‘Damaged PSM – Following Electric Truck (Tug) Collision in Mail Centre’
No. 092/2024
Our Ref: V4/24
To: All Branches
Dear Colleagues,
Royal Mail Group (SHE) Safety Flash FY24 05 – ‘Damaged PSM – Following Electric Truck (Tug) Collision in Mail Centre’
Royal Mail Group’s Safety Team have issued ‘RMG SHE Safety Flash FY24 05’ with the aim of communicating a clear message to all drivers of Electric Trucks, Tugs, York Movers, FLTs/ Powered Materials Handling Equipment (MHE) across Royal Mail Group: – Warning! Never leave, deviate or swerve off of the designated and clearly marked MHE route putting both plant and equipment and more importantly other members of the workforce at risk of collision and injury or death.
An Electric Truck/Tug driver was proceeding around a Mail Centre along the recognised, designated and marked MHE route when he saw a parcel laying on the floor in the middle of the MHE route. Instead of stopping the truck to remove the obstructing item, as is set out in the standard MHE driver training, the driver decided to manoeuvre his truck around the item by swerving the truck off the MHE route and attempted to drive underneath an adjacent Parcel Sorting Machine (PSM). The truck collided with the PSM and became jammed and stuck underneath the PSM, damaging the electric truck’s warning beacon and the PSM underguard. Time was lost whilst engineers worked to free the truck and repair the damage. Fortunately, no pedestrian members of staff were struck and injured.
Minor damage to both the Electric Truck/Tug and PSM underguard. Lost time whilst the truck was freed from its position, jammed under the PSM and repairs undertaken.
Leaving the designated MHE route could have resulted in a collision with an unsuspecting employee causing injury or death or alternatively causing greater damage to other plant, equipment and machinery.
Key Messages And Actions To Avoid Similar Incidents – Procedures To Follow If The MHE Route Is Obstructed:
Electric Truck/TUG/MHE Drivers
When obstructions are found on Electric Truck/Tug routes, as outlined in MHE training, drivers/operators should always stop the vehicle and remove the item from the route.
Drivers should never swerve or deviate off the designated MHE route, due to an obstruction.
Non MHE Processing Staff:
Remove mail/parcels obstructions. If an item of mail/parcel is found on the floor, check surroundings for any approaching MHE and when safe to do so, remove the item.
Report any unsafe MHE/Tug/Truck/FLT use. If MHE is seen being driven or operated unsafely (such as off the designated MHE routes), it should be reported to the line manager.
Monitor and Manage MHE operations by actively undertaking safety coaching, safety conversations. Observe and spot check that designated MHE routes are not deviated from and that drivers are beeping if driving past blind bends/doorways and check that unsafe interactions are not occurring between MHE operators and pedestrian members of staff on the Mail Centre floor.
York Containers Near Truck/Tug Routes/Walkways. Where possible, avoid placing York Containers very close to MHE routes or walkways as this increases the chances of parcels falling onto Electric Tug/Truck routes. Where this cannot be avoided managers should monitor that fallen items/parcels etc., are not left causing an obstruction in the MHE route and are routinely removed.
PiCs/Managers must ensure all MHE Operators/Drivers have been initially trained and have undergone ‘refresher training’ in line with the Royal Mail Group standard of every 3 years.
PiCs/Managers – Brief appropriate staff on this SHE Flash, display it and bring it to the attention of all MHE Operators/Drivers in the workforce.
ASRs/WSRs please ensure that this Safety Flash is communicated, displayed and brought to the attention of the workforce in all buildings.
ASRs/WSRs to carry out spot check safety inspections including a check that the SHE Flash has been deployed and briefed to staff by PiCs/Managers.
ASRs to check awareness of the workforce regarding Electric Truck/Tugs and workplace transport generally. On ASR Safety Inspections, ensure staff are briefed, raising awareness at every opportunity with members/workers/MHE drivers and operators.
THE GOLDEN RULE IS: Never deviate from the MHE route.
Royal Mail Group (SHE) Safety Flash FY24 05 – Damaged PSM
Yours sincerely
Dave Joyce
National Health, Safety & Environment Officer
