LTB 156/23 - Provisional Indicative Modelling of Delivery Offices Start and Finish Times
o. 156/23
Dear Colleagues,
RMG/CWU Joint Communication on Provisional Indicative Modelling of Delivery Offices Start and Finish Times within the Timeframe of the Negotiators Agreement
Branches will be aware as part of releasing the RM/CWU Business Recovery, Transformation and Growth Negotiators Agreement, both parties have agreed to share the indicative modelling for Delivery Office start and finish times before CWU members participate in the forthcoming ballot.
In producing the indicative modelling outputs, it is recognised that changes to start and finish times are of concern to members in all functions, particularly in Delivery, accordingly we have jointly committed Royal Mail to seek to minimise change in start and finish times whilst still achieving the necessary improvements in the cost and environmental impact due to reducing the reliance on air transport.
In conjunction with the CWU Communications department we have jointly produced a webpage enabling access to the following information which can be accessed via a separate hyperlink.
These indicative modelling outputs replace and supersede what has previously been published by Royal Mail which has been shared on their workplace site. The hyperlink will provide the opportunity for members and Reps to click onto the information, type in their specific unit and access the information which will show:
The provisional and indicative start and finish times based on an up to 1630 last letter and up to a maximum of 60 minutes later
The provisional and indicative start and finish times based on an up to 1630 last letter and up to a maximum of 90 minutes later
In addition to the providing the link, we would also recommend members and Reps should read the joint statement we have agreed, as it provides vital context.
We are also making it clear that the times that they are able to view are indicative, and we are confident of improving them through both the National and local joint working activities included within the agreement and in the statement above.
We have also produced a list of frequently asked questions which cover the main topics that have been raised with us by members and will be arranging and enacting a more detailed communications programme involving the Communications department. In addition, further communication initiatives are planned to take place over the coming days regarding this issue.
It is important to stress that the business, ‘change we need’ and best & final offer was for delivery finish times to move to 1700 for everyone, due to the removal of flights which added in a 3-hour delay to the network as a result. It is also important to stress that Royal Mail could serve contractual notice on those flights at any time.
What our members and Branches have helped us achieve through your support is that whilst the flights will be removed and the 3-hour network delay remains the same, we have ensured that Royal Mail fully commits to mitigate the impact of this change. As such we have achieved the 1630 last letter time and confirmation that the majority of deliveries finish by 1530 and vast majority by 1600.
As such we were able to demonstrate to the business in the national talks that we believe a cap of a maximum change to start/finish times of 60 minutes can be achieved through the activities and work through the national and local joint working groups. Whilst Royal Mail have an ability to reserve their position on the cap being 90 minutes, we are confident that the indicative modelling confirms the above as we have circa 64% of delivery walks finish by 1530 in the plan but we strongly believe that this position will improve further when we carry out the national and local activity within each mail Centre catchment area.
Any queries to the content of the above please contact the Outdoor Department reference 580, email address:
Yours sincerely,
Mark Baulch Davie Robertson CWU Assistant Secretary CWU Assistant Secretary