Peter Millbank, CWU for Royal Mail Property & Facilities Solutions Ltd National Representative
No: 523/20 2nd November 2020 TO: ALL BRANCHES Dear Colleague
Peter Millbank, CWU for Royal Mail Property & Facilities Solutions Ltd National Representative and Chair of London Postal Engineering Branch It is with deep sadness that we have to inform Branches of the very sudden death of Peter Millbank, CWU RMP&FS National Rep and Chair of London Postal Engineering Branch. Peter was a CWU Rep in Romec BSM for many years having also worked on the Post Office Railway before that. In 2012 he became the CWU Romec Regional Rep and he took on the national role in 2019.
On behalf of the CWU I would like to convey our deepest sympathies and condolences to Peter’s family and many friends within the union at this very sad time.
Yours sincerely,
Dave Ward General Secretary
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