Post Office: Pay 2021/22 - Industrial Action Ballot Result
No. 145/2022
28th March 2022
Dear Colleagues
The industrial action ballot of all Post Office members in relation to the pay freeze dispute for 2021/22 closed today and the result is as follows:
Yes Votes 92397.3%
No Votes 262.7%
Turnout 70.2%
Spoilt ballot papers – 1
Attached is a copy of the ballot result from the Independent Scrutineer – Civica Election Services
Our Post Office members have returned a good “Yes” vote and we have also comfortably surpassed the legal threshold for turnout. As a consequence, I have written to Nick Read, CEO (attached) seeking an urgent meeting with the aim of establishing a way forward to avoid conflict.
Hopefully Nick Read will respect the strong views of his employees and will adopt a significantly less dogmatic attitude. Additionally, we have written to Dave Prince, Chief Conciliator, Acas, to apprise him of the ballot result. We will of course involve Acas in the absence of any material progress with Post Office.
We plan to convene a Special Postal Executive meeting shortly in order to consider next steps. Further developments in this regard will be reported.
Branches are urged to bring this LTB to the attention of our Post Office members.
Yours sincerely,
Andy Furey Assistant Secretary
Terry Pullinger Deputy General Secretary (P)
Dave Ward General Secretary