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Post Office: The Future of the Crown Network – Joint Statement, VR Preference Form and Q&As

No. 300/21

19th July 2021

Dear Colleagues


Further to LTB 286 dated 16th July.

As Branches are aware, we have agreed to a limited VR exercise under MTSF, for a maximum of 120 Crown office staff, and as part of our agreement, the Post Office has committed to a moratorium on Crown Office franchising/closures until at least the end of December 2021. Our wider talks are planned with Post Office with regards to jointly agreeing a fresh approach and a new strategy to try to secure the future of the network.

The following Joint Statement in relation to the details of the VR preference exercise has been agreed:

Voluntary Redundancy: Agreed Preference Exercise (Non-Binding)

Further to the joint statement published on 16th July regarding the Future of the DMB/Crown network, integral to which is a commitment to reduce headcount by up to 120 across the DMB network, we are inviting those who have a strong interest in VR to complete the form below.

We are unable to guarantee a VR offer to everyone who expresses an interest as there may be an over-subscription

  • If you express an interest in VR, you will receive a formal acknowledgement via an email

  • Where Voluntary Redundancy offers are made, this will be in accordance with MTSF and seniority will apply

  • VR offers will be made via a settlement agreement that will need to be signed confirming your final decision. You will also need to seek legal advice when signing your settlement agreement and Post Office will pay up to £350 for this advice

  • Payment in Lieu of Notice (PILON) will be paid to all of those who accept a formal VR offer. Those taking VR will be eligible for pay arrears associated with a 2021/22 pay agreement

  • Please only submit a preference form if you are genuinely interested in VR

  • VR offers will be calculated in line with MTSF and you will be provided with a ready reckoner in order to help give you an indication of your VR offer.

If you have questions, please talk to your manager or your CWU Rep.

Steve Blampied Andy Furey

Head of DMB Network CWU Assistant Secretary

The agreed preference form (which will be sent via email to members’ Post Office email addresses) and set of Q&As are attached to this LTB. Preference forms should only be returned by members if they are genuinely interested in VR and the closing date is 5pm on Wednesday 4th August.

Finally, a joint conference call for members will be held tomorrow, Tuesday 20th July from 8.30am as part of the Tuesday morning TeamTalk session hosted by Steve Blampied, Head of DMB Network and myself. Details of how to join the call if members are on a scheduled day off or on leave will be sent via PO management.

Further developments and progress on talks will be reported in due course.

Any queries related to this LTB should be directed to

Yours sincerely

Andy Furey

Assistant Secretary

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