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No. 450/22


16th November 2022



Dear Colleagues,


Branches and Representatives are aware that Royal Mail (IDS) announced to the Markets on 14th October their intention to ‘right size’ the company by reducing frontline jobs across Delivery and Processing by up to 10,000 full-time equivalents.  This serious issue, along with the unagreed reduction to the MTSF VR terms, have featured highly during recent negotiations.

Despite the union continuing to engage in good faith in these negotiations with the employer, we have now received formal notification from Royal Mail confirming their intention to proceed with headcount reduction under section 188 of the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act of 1992 in respect of redundancies amounting to at least 20 people in a number of workplaces.

The Royal Mail letter is completely outwith the MTSF agreement, as it contains a method of dealing with redundancies which may include compulsion, together with significantly reduced redundancy terms.  Both of these positions are unacceptable and conflict with the Pathway to Change agreement, Section 2.4 Job Security – Commitments and Assurances to Employeeswhich crucially states:


  • “In line with our existing agreements and by utilising the flexible process within these, as change is deployed, RMG will avoid compulsory redundancies. This commitment will be joint reviewed in May 2023”


  • “In line with our existing agreements, as change is deployed, the MTSF voluntary redundancy terms will continue to apply. This commitment will be jointly reviewed in May 2023.”


In essence Royal Mail has advised the union the 30-day legal consultation period on redundancies has now formally commenced. 

As a consequence, Branches and Representatives are instructed not to engage with management concerning job losses, redundancies and associated revision activity, or one to one meetings with members regarding these matters.

We know our Representatives and members will be concerned by this development; however, we must ensure the MTSF and Pathway to Change agreements are defended by this union and its members.  We remain fully committed to bringing these disputes to a successful conclusion and in doing so, protect our members’ jobs and terms & conditions.

In the event that Royal Mail Group proceed unilaterally with an unagreed preference exercise further advice and guidance will be issued to Branches and Representatives.

Further developments will be reported.

Any enquiries in relation to the content of this LTB should be addressed to the DGS(P) Department.

Yours sincerely,


Dave Ward                                

General Secretary                    

Andy Furey

Acting Deputy General Secretary (Postal) 


Davie Robertson                                     

Assistant Secretary           


Mark Baulch

Assistant Secretary


Carl Maden       

Assistant Secretary      

 Andy Hopping   

A/Assistant Secretary   


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