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PROTECT SCOTLAND Test and Trace app info and links

PROTECT SCOTLAND: Test and Trace app info and links


Why use the app

When you use the app?

How the app works?

LINKS below:

Protest Scotland track and trace app link

how it works?

how we use your data?

Frequently asked questions

Easy read section


The app will help us break the chains of infection, speeding up the process of identifying people at risk of catching coronavirus and reducing its ability to spread.

When you use the app:

  • You will be alerted if you have been in close contact with another app user who has tested positive for coronavirus

  • You can anonymously warn other app users whom you have been in close contact with, if you test positive for the virus

  • If you travel to England, Wales, Northern Ireland, Jersey or Gibraltar the app will continue to work and exchange codes with anyone you come into close contact with in these locations. There is no need to download another app when visiting these locations

This helps with existing contact tracing efforts, slowing the spread of the virus, and making sure it stays at low, manageable levels.

The app does not hold personal information, know who you are, or know where you have been. It cannot identify you or track your movements.

By downloading the app today, we can all help protect ourselves, our families and Scotland against coronavirus.


  • Once you have installed and set up Protect Scotland, it will run in the background of your device. You can use your phone and other apps as normal

  • Using Bluetooth, the app will exchange anonymous, encrypted, random codes with other mobile phones with the Protect Scotland app installed. You do not need to have a WiFi connection and the app uses a very small amount of your mobile phone data, but you do need to keep Bluetooth switched on

  • When the app finds another user, it will record the contact, the distance between your phones and the length of time your phone was near theirs. This is all done anonymously

  • If you test positive for coronavirus, you can choose to input the Test Code, provided by the contact tracer, into the app. This will automatically notify other app users that you have been in close contact with (within 2 metres for at least 15 minutes)

  • When another app user tests positive, and has inputted a Test Code, the app will notify you and any others if it determines you may be at risk

  • You may or may not still be contacted by a contact tracer. This depends on whether you have been identified to be at risk through traditional contact tracing methods

  • It is your choice over whether you choose to download and use the app or not. You will never be asked to prove you have the app, and you should never be asked to show the status of the app to anyone else – that is entirely up to you






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