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Quality Of Service & Resourcing Checklist In Line With The RMG/CWU Joint Statement – Section 2.5.

No. 163/23

Dear Colleagues,

Quality Of Service & Resourcing Checklist In Line With The RMG/CWU Joint Statement – June 2023: Section 2.5 Improving Quality Of Service & USO Compliance

Following on from LTB (Letter To Branches) 152/23, issued on the 16th of June and which included the agreed Joint Statement on Section 2.5 – Improving Quality Of Service & USO Compliance of the RMG & CWU Business Recovery, Transformation And Growth Negotiators Agreement.

Branches and Representatives will recall that in paragraph 4, headed ‘Quality Of Service & Resourcing Checklist’ it confirmed that a joint checklist (Delivery and Mail Centre’s specific) had been developed for local managers and CWU Reps to assess in this undertaking and that the checklist should be used to develop an understanding of the local root causes impacting Quality of Services, USO and the actions required to restore on target performance.

Therefore, please find attached to this LTB the agreed Joint Quality Of Service & Resourcing Checklist to be used by local parties in line with the wider commitments of the Joint Statement on Section 2.5.

In setting out the checklist, the following approach should now be adopted in all Delivery units: –

  • At the next available weekly resourcing meeting both parties will complete a joint review using the delivery checklist to assess the unit’s current USO, quality standards and reported performance levels against deployed change and undertake the necessary review and actions.

  • It is essential that sufficient release time is set aside for both the COM/s and CWU Rep to jointly complete this exercise. Where a unit has no CWU representative, the appropriate Area Representative will complete this exercise with the COM/s.

  • Units will have a maximum of two weeks to complete this exercise and all returns must be completed online no later than 7th July 2023. Online completion instructions will follow shortly, but please use the checklist attached to start the local assessment.

  • In terms of the process, both the COM/s and CWU Rep will be able to individually provide a ‘Yes/No’ response to indicate whether the unit in their opinion is compliant with the standards set out in the checklist. If either party believes that the unit is not compliant with the standards the agreed action/s to achieve compliance will be agreed as a priority and these should be captured within the checklist ‘actions’.

  • The completed online checklists will then be shared with the relevant OPL and Area Delivery Reps and where a unit is non-compliant they will seek to understand and support the action plans being worked up. The checklist information will be made available to the RODs and Divisional Reps for their respective units.

  • Where at unit level a joint action plan has not been completed this will be discussed at Area/Divisional level strategic involvement meetings to seek to assist the unit to complete the action plan as required.

  • If despite all efforts, the action plan is not completed the matter will be referred via the RODs/Divisional Reps to National parties

Also, please find attached as supporting documentation the following: –

  • Royal Mail & CWU Nationally Agreed Guidelines Covering Annual Leave and Weekly Resourcing, issues in LTB 515/19, which includes the Annual Plan / 12 Weeks Ahead / 2 Weeks Ahead / 1 Week Ahead – Agenda Template.

  • Royal Mail/CWU Joint Statement Covering Annual Leave Planning (April 2022 to March 2023), issued in LTB 387/21, which sets out some revised wording on Annual Leave Planning.

  • An ‘example copy’ of the Calendarisation Work-Aid and ‘guidelines/information tab’ also issued along with LTB 387/21.

  • ODM 04/22 covering the National Joint Statement For The Deployment/Rollout of Resource Calculator, issued on 27th January 2022.

Finally, attached is the RMG/CWU Joint Statement – June 2023 on Section 2.5 – Improving Quality Of Service & USO Compliance.

The supporting documentation attached are the current agreed versions between Royal Mail and the CWU.

However, it is also recognised that these documents do need to be revised and refreshed going forward, in particular, to allow for recent changes and developments including the use of WIPWH (Weighted Items Per Work Hours. This remains an outstanding item which we aim to conclude with Royal Mail going forward.

Finally, it is acknowledged that this LTB contains a large number of attachments, however, it is important that all relevant and necessary documentation linked to the checklist are set out here for ease of reference of Branches and Reps whilst carrying out this vital activity.

Whilst undertaking this exercise it is important to also draw to Representatives attention to section 7 of the National Joint Statement. “For the purpose of complete clarity Royal Mail confirm that the Industrial Relations Framework is fully restored. The local parties must utilise this at all times as a necessary tool to deploy revisions/change and to rebuild working relationships, always striving to reach agreement at a local level.”

Any queries to the content of the above please contact the Outdoor Department reference 580, email address:

Yours sincerely,

Mark Baulch

CWU Assistant Secretary

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