RM National Distribution and CWU on the Deployment of the 2020/21 National Network Revision: update
Updated: Apr 1, 2021
No: 115/21
19th March 2021
For the Immediate Attention of All:
Postal Branches
Divisional Representatives
Area Distribution Representatives
LGV Representatives
Dear Colleagues
Joint Statement between RM National Distribution and the CWU on the Deployment of the 2020/21 National Network Revision – Update
The above Joint Statement communicated to Branches in LTB 056/21 detailed the process for the progression of the National Network Review. Stage 1 of the process, Data Gathering commenced on the 15th February 2021 and concluded on the 26th February.
The expectation when the Joint Statement was concluded was that in line with previous National Revisions, Stage 2 of the process, the National review of the first cut Paragon outputs would follow immediately, however Royal Mail have informed the department that circumstances this year have resulted in an unavoidable delay.
We are informed that the data gathering process has exposed significant data gaps in the National Road Service List (RSL) data bank, due to the amount of change in Network volume and volumetric during the last year as a result of the Covid -19 pandemic and the associated changes in customer habits. The potential base RSL is in the region of 30k hours greater than the one used in the last Network review in 2018 with substantial increases in customer collections and the number of DO Feeder runs performed by National Distribution.
Royal Mail have indicated that updating the RSL in preparation for the running of Paragon has proved difficult to the point that rebuilding the RSL is easier than updating the previous version.
Given the above the release of the first cut Paragon outputs has been delayed and is now anticipated to be completed in mid-April. The process will recommence from that point in line with the Joint Statement.
The department has reminded Royal Mail of the agreed timelines signed up to in the Pathway to Change agreement to the deployment of the revision and the delivery of the SWW, equivalent benefit and impressed on the company our concern at the delay and our aspiration to reduce any delay to a minimum.
Further updates will be provided as the revised timeline is confirmed.
For the avoidance of doubt this delay only affects the National Distribution (Network) Review.
Data Gathering has been completed at most Area Distribution sites and arrangements are being progressed to move to PAD Revision proposals on a site by site basis, as soon as the completed RSL information is available.
The department has been receiving some enquiries in relation to the commencement of the local discussions on the Network Review. We would therefore request that Branches and Representatives use the contents of this LTB to update our Network Professional Driver members on the current status of the activity.
Any enquiries in relation to this LTB should be addressed to:
Davie Robertson, Assistant Secretary, email: dwyatt@cwu.org quoting reference: 233.15
Yours sincerely
Davie Robertson
Assistant Secretary