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RMG: Business Recovery, Transformation and Growth Agreement – Unit Representatives Briefings

No: 105/23

28th April 2023

Dear Colleague

Royal Mail Group: Business Recovery, Transformation and Growth Agreement – Unit Representatives Briefings

Further to LTB 103/23 dated 26th April regarding the ballot timetable for the National Agreement reached with Royal Mail Group. In order to meet face to face with our local Reps to discuss the details of the Agreement and to facilitate Q&A’s, four Unit Rep Briefings will be held from 11am – 3pm at the following locations:

Date Location Division(s)*

Wednesday 10th May

York Barbican,

Paragon St,

York, YO10 4AH

North East

North Wales/North West

Thursday 11th May

The Concourse Suite

Birmingham NEC

Birmingham, B40 1NT

Midlands, South Central

South Wales/South West

Monday 15th May

Congress Hall, TUC

Great Russell Street London, WC1B 3LS

Anglia, London & South East

Tuesday 16th May

Radisson Blu Hotel,

301 Argyle Street, Glasgow, G2 8DL


*Please note the Northern Ireland Branches are invited to attend any of the above briefings to suit their own travel arrangements.

Paid release has been agreed with RMG, which should help to facilitate a good attendance. Branches are encouraged to ensure maximum attendance of Unit Reps.

Lastly, ahead of these in-person briefings it is also vital that all local Representatives attend the online update on Tuesday morning at 0800. Here is a reminder of the registration link:

Please do not share this link on social media. The meeting is for CWU Representatives only.

Any enquiries on the above should be addressed to the General Secretary/Andy Furey, Acting Deputy General Secretary (Postal) at

Yours sincerely

Dave Ward General Secretary

Andy Furey A/Deputy General Secretary (Postal)

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