Royal Mail: MDEC Transformation - Pathway to Change Agreement
No. 225/21
Dear Colleagues
Further to LTB 156/21 dated 9th April.
Following the National Agreement reached with MDEC management with regards to The Pathway to Change Agreement, we have continued our discussions in relation to the preference exercise for the MDEC units at Farnworth, Plymouth and Stoke. As a result, three Joint Statements have been agreed for each of these units on Preference Exercise Outcomes and Next Steps which are attached to this LTB for your reference.
The preference exercise has been conducted fully in line with MTSF principles and every effort will be made to explore reasonable opportunities to find alternative roles for our members within Royal Mail that require redeployment.
For our members who have elected to take voluntary redundancy, they have been provided with an indicative estimate of their lump sum and a formal offer is expected to be made within the next week. I am also pleased to report we have received confirmation from Kevin Thompson, Head of Pipeline Performance and CI, that for those members who wish to take a redundancy package in accordance with MTSF, they will see the value of their compensation monies improved to fully take account of the planned bonus consolidation of £60 per month due to be included with July’s salaries (backdated to 1st April 2021).
The reassurance provided by Kevin Thompson will no doubt be welcomed by our members who are considering VR as an option. Accordingly, Branches and MDEC Representatives are encouraged to bring this development to the attention of the members concerned.
Any queries in relation to this LTB should be sent to Lea Sheridan
Yours sincerely
Andy Furey
Assistant Secretary