Uniform ‘Mini’ Proof of Concept Trial on a revised Stormproof Jacket
LTB 433/20 – CWU/Royal Mail National Terms of Reference – Uniform ‘Mini’ Proof of Concept Trial on a revised Stormproof Jacket
No. 433/20
Dear Colleagues,
CWU/Royal Mail National Terms of Reference – Uniform ‘Mini’ Proof of Concept Trial on a revised Stormproof Jacket
Branches may recall that as part of last year’s Royal Mail Uniform tendering process, the company advised that it was seeking to improve and update their current range and products, noting that a number of the existing standard uniform items have been in place for some 10 years or more.
As such, talks have been ongoing with Royal Mail on a new uniform range and the necessary trial/pilot activity which would take place before any wider national rollout. Whilst these talks remain ongoing and full scale trials/pilots are not planned to take place on the new uniform range until February/March next year, it has however been agreed to undertake a ‘mini’ proof of concept trial of the revised stormproof jacket in advance of this in order to evaluate the initial design improvements.
Attached to this LTB is a copy of the agreed Terms of Reference for this ‘mini’ trial of the revised stormproof jacket which will be limited to 6 Delivery Offices and 30 individuals.
The enhancements made to the stormproof jacket include storm cuffs, a peak on the hood and a drawstring on the hood which have all been designed to improve the fit and reduce the ingress of water when worn. This follows direct frontline employee feedback received at previous Uniform Roadshow workplace visits and the feedback also received at last year’s CWU Annual Conference.
Whilst ultimately any final decision on a revised stormproof jacket will need to be taken as part of the wider national trials/pilots on a new uniform range, this ‘mini’ proof of concept trial will clearly assist in terms of understanding if these initial enhancements have improved the overall jacket design.
Any enquiries in relation to the content of the above should be directed to the Outdoor Department reference 500, email address: outdoorsecretary@cwu.org.
Yours sincerely,
Mark Baulch
CWU Assistant Secretary
LTB 433.20 Attachment 1 – TOR – Uniform ‘Mini’ Proof of Concept Trial on a revised Stormproof Jacket