LTB 293-24 - Ofcom Future of the Universal Service
No: 293/24
5th September 2024
Dear Colleagues,
Ofcom Future of the Universal Service
Ofcom today produced an update on the responses they received from their original consultation launched in January 2024. Ofcom also set out the next steps including considering Royal Mail’s proposal for USO reform.
Ofcom’s paper indicates that they will publish a consultation on Royal Mail’s proposed changes in early 2025 with a view to publishing a decision statement in the Summer of 2025.
We have ongoing discussions with Royal Mail on the proposed USO change alongside a growth strategy for parcels.
The CWU have expressed our concerns over the current quality of service in Delivery Offices, which we believe is down to unmanageable workloads and resourcing problems.
We will now consider Ofcom’s latest paper and also engage with Royal Mail.
The CWU will then provide a further update to Branches and members on USO reform.
Yours sincerely,
Martin Walsh
Deputy General Secretary (P)
Dave Ward
General Secretary