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Royal Mail Group – New Updated ‘Stay Calm’ On-Line Digital Replacement – On Site Response

No. 135/2022

23 March 2022

Our Ref: E1/22

To: All Branches

Dear Colleagues,

Royal Mail Group – New Updated ‘Stay Calm’ On-Line Digital Replacement – On Site Response and Guidance Dealing With Suspect Packages/Parcels, Dangerous Goods/Spillages, Office Flooding, Fires, Asbestos, Gas Leaks, Serious Accidents etc:

Royal Mail Group New Updated On-Line Digital ‘Stay Calm’

An updated version has been launched and this is an on-line digital replacement to the old ‘Stay Calm’ manuals and ‘Be Aware’ booklets. The Stay Calm on-line guide has been refreshed to make it more user friendly.

‘Stay Calm’ is primarily focussed on operational site managers and PiCs (Persons in Charge), but contains advice that will be of use to all RMG employees, CWU Health and Safety Reps in particular and other CWU Reps.

‘Stay Calm’ guides managers and PiCs on how they should respond to an incident such as a serious suspect parcel, dangerous goods, or an office flooding. ‘Stay Calm’ provides guidance on responding to a wide range of incidents, advice on how to manage an evacuation and actions that can be taken in order to be better prepared for such incidents.

New Managers Stay Calm Smartphone App

The updated on-line ‘Stay Calm’ has been communicated to every RMG manager’s work ‘smart phone’ as a tile App (application). An image of the Stay Calm tile App is attached for your information.

‘Stay Calm’ On-Line Website

The new on-line ‘Stay Calm’ guide Website; is publicly available and anyone can bookmark it to create the tile app (see attached) You can then move the tile to where you can find it easily on your phone and become familiar with the contents. Please note you will not be able to access the CPC or Business Response sections.

  • The structure of the website has been refined to make it more user friendly – there are two ways to navigate – either by the menu options in the top bar or by scrolling down the page to find the relevant sections. Scrolling down works very well on a phone.

  • There are three main sections:

    • Immediate Response: providing guidance on how to manage an evacuation, organising roll calls, liaising with emergency services, comms etc.

  • Incident specific guidance for a wide range of incident types. Changes have been made to simplify the advice shown, but no changes to content except for Suspect/Dangerous Items – see below.

  • If you use the menu option then all incidents are listed alphabetically. If you scroll down, you’ll see a ‘Common Incidents’ section before an alphabetical list. This is to allow you to find ‘Suspect/Dangerous Items’ quickly. Roles & Resources provides advice on how you can prepare for an incident, access to a blank unit plan etc.

  • Suspect/Dangerous Items: Due to the increasing quantities of dangerous goods which can cause physical reactions but are not ‘suspect’, it’s been necessary to bring both type of incidents together to provide a common risk assessment, then provide different solutions – suspect or dangerous or other. Once decided, the advice in each section has not changed.

‘Stay Calm’ Sections Cover The Following:

Immediate response to incidents

  • How to manage an evacuation

  • Key contacts

  • What to do if YOU have been evacuated

  • Why contacting CPC is so important

Common incidents

  • Suspect/dangerous items

  • Serious accident

  • Severe weather

Incident specific guidance

  • Active shooter/terrorist

  • Asbestos

  • Bomb threats

  • Building damage

  • Coronavirus

  • Explosions

  • Flooding

  • Fires

  • Fuel/Adblue/chemical spills

  • Gas leaks

  • GDPR data breach

  • Health alerts

  • Hostage situations

  • Major public incidents

  • Power loss

  • Serious accident

  • Severe weather

  • Suspect/dangerous items

  • Roles & Resources

  • Incident log

Role specific guidance

  • Preparing for an incident

  • Your site plans

  • Parcelforce unit plan

  • Royal Mail unit plan

Central Postal Control CPC

If in doubt at any stage, the Office Manager/PiC should always call Central Postal Control (CPC). Central Postal Control deals with issues on a regular basis and will be able to talk the manager/PiC through how to deal with any situation. Telephone: 0345 266 1060.

The purpose of CPC is to provide a leadership response to any actual or potential threats to Royal Mail Group operations. CPC is available 24/7, 365 days of the year and CPC prioritises the safety and security of the workforce and the connectivity of RMG customers’ products.

‘Stay Calm’ On-Line Website –

Yours sincerely

Dave Joyce National Health, Safety & Environment Officer

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