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LTB187/23 - Business Recovery, Transformation & Growth (BRT&G) Agreement – Paragraph 6.4 Attendance

No. 187/23

17th July 2023

Dear Colleagues

Business Recovery, Transformation & Growth (BRT&G) Agreement – Paragraph 6.4 – Attendance

Branches and Representatives will be aware Royal Mail Group (RMG) last week issued a factsheet on how they intend to manage the new sick Attendance standards. This factsheet was not agreed by the union and was not provided in advance of publication. Indeed, we have serious concerns about a number of aspects which we have raised with management.

It is critical we provide absolute clarity to everyone in regard to Paragraph 6.4 of the BRT&G Agreement, Therefore, we will be holding a Joint Workshop with senior RMG management on Friday 21st July with the aim of seeking to agree the transitional arrangements from the previous standards to support the introduction of the new standards from 1st August.

Should we reach agreement at this workshop, we will be placing this before the Postal Executive and further communications will follow.

Finally, we have a joint commitment to reduce sick levels across the company via appropriate and reasonable means and we will be working together with RMG on this key aspect of the BRT&G Agreement via the Joint Working Group outlined within Paragraph 6.4.

Part of this week’s Joint Workshop from our perspective is to get to a position where we launch the JWG.

Any enquiries to this LTB please contact: The PTCS Department reference 312, email address:

Yours sincerely

Carl Maden – Assistant Secretary

Andy Furey – A/Deputy General Secretary (Postal)

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